Galati Workshop | Fintech Tools and Cybersecurity Challenges - Finance Innovations That Shapes Our Lives GALATI, ROMANIA OCTOBER 15, 2023

Workshop Title:

Fintech Tools and Cybersecurity Challenges - Finance Innovations That Shapes Our Lives


October 15th, 2023 (GMT+3)


Danubius University of Galaţi


  • FinTech
  • Finance Innovation
  • Cybersecurity
  • Digital Finance
  • Challenges
  • Financial Products

Workshop Chair:

Professor Dr. Habil. Alina Cristina Nuţă
Professor Dr. Habil. in Danubius University of Galaţi

Personal Bio:

Alina Cristina Nuţă is Full Professor Dr. Habil. in Finance at Danubius University of Galaţi, Romania, with over 17 years of teaching and research experience. She has a double bachelor's degree in Finance and Insurance and in Public Administration and a master's degree in Financial and Banking Management from "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi. She attended the Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration at "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi defending the thesis entitled "Economic and social implication of fiscal and budgetary policy" in 2009.

Starting with 2014, she is coordinating the Open, Online, and Distance Learning Department at Danubius University, Galaţi.

In February 2022, she defended her habilitation thesis at the University of Craiova, Romania, with the title "Scientific contributions regarding fiscal and budgetary stimulus for promoting sustainable and equitable economic growth", receiving the Habilitation Order from the Ministry of Education on June 2022.

Her scientific research is carried out in the following fields: Finance, Public finance, Taxation, Public Spending, Fiscal and budgetary policies, Social policy, Green finance, Energy economics, Environmental economics, FinTech, Stock market, Online and Distance learning, and Public economics.

During the 17 years of academic career, she was involved in numerous editorial initiatives as editor or member in the international scientific committee for several scientific journals and international conferences, conducting over 500 peer-reviews.

Workshop Description:


The increasing adoption, in recent years, of new technologies in our lives, conduct to the diversification, multiplication, and personalization of all kinds of services we benefit from, becoming more and more costumer-centered and more inclusive. Risks and challenges are inherent in a virtual framework and different stakeholders, as regulators, financial institutions, IT companies must work together to create secure innovative financial products and services. Fintech is not referring only to new financial products relying on digital technology, but to new business models that requires appropriate regulation and a comprehensive perspective on the future innovative implications of "Fin" and "Tech" to become more and more reliable, standardized, anticipated and regulated. Thus, while fintech firms entered the market, as new business models on the B2B or B2B2C principle, big tech firms imposed the attraction and development of solutions for taking over the payments component by using their own platforms.


The evolution of IT has determined the adaptation of financial services (or money sector), to a context that is in a major dynamic. One of the goals is to discuss and explore practical global solutions for the use of new technologies in finance by generating a framework in which stakeholders (regulators, financial institutions, IT companies, and other companies) must work together to achieve their interests facing increasingly diverse risks and challenges. Innovation will lead to new opportunities in the development of future financial products and services, customized to the needs of users available in a global system or sector-specific tools in the presence of cyber security risks, difficult to fight. From the first electronic funds transfers using technology to an online payment system, from crowdfunding to cryptocurrencies, digital wallets, and digital banking, fintech companies use a set of innovative technologies such as AI, ML, big data analytics, or blockchain looking also for solutions to improve security for such innovative financial services users. The fast-developing innovative financial sector is also volatile and there are risks that need to be acknowledged and mitigated. One of the questions that arises: Is the proper regulation the solution for fintech bubbles?

Scope and Information for Participants:

The main goal of the workshop is to generate an intense exchange of ideas and discuss topics related to the fast-developing innovations related to the financial sector.

The workshop participants are welcome to involve in topics such as fintech tools, digital finance, fintech bubbles, cryptocurrencies, cybersecurity, financial innovative technologies, digital banking, risks mitigation, fintech investment opportunities and risks, finance regulations related to fintech, and other related subjects. The central point revolves around the financial innovations and fintech tools. It will also create the proper environment for exchanging ideas and discuss good practices regarding fintech development and regulation initiatives.

The workshop format will favor debates, creating the premises for future research ideas development.


The event took place as planned at the premises of Danubius University, with the participation of students and faculty. The topics covered by the workshop: fintech tools, digital finance, fintech bubbles, cryptocurrencies, cybersecurity, financial innovative technologies, digital banking, risks mitigation, fintech investment opportunities and risks, finance regulations related to fintech.

The main presentation entitled FinTech tools and cybersecurity challenges - finance innovations that shapes our lives, opened the discussions and launched the debates among participants. The participants involved freely in debates starting from the topics covered by the main speaker. There were several major directions for debates: - A direct and significant relationship between Romanian bank customer attitudes toward using technologies with the bank; - Trust in banks and technology represents the second key factor that positively and significantly influences the intention to use new technologies; - Given the proven importance of adopting new technologies and Fintech in banking, the decision makers should propose policies encouraging greater use of online technologies and banking.

There were 11 registered participants and 6 participants present in person in the meeting room. One of the goals was to discuss and explore practical global solutions for the use of new technologies in finance by generating a framework in which stakeholders (regulators, financial institutions, IT companies, and other companies) must work together to achieve their interests facing increasingly diverse risks and challenges. Innovation will lead to new opportunities in the development of future financial products and services, customized to the needs of users available in a global system or sector-specific tools in the presence of cyber security risks, difficult to fight. The participants will gladly involve in other events like this one and declared that their own awareness in terms of climate change issues increased.

Access to Workshop:

ICFTBA 2023 Workshop -- Galati - YouTube


Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Danubius University from Galaţi, Bulevardul Galați 3, Galați 800654, Romania

Danubius University


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